Wednesday, June 6, 2007

More music...

We´ve had another musical day in Vienna! This morning, we went to one of Beethoven´s homes first. It was on the outside of Vienna. I think it was actually considered another city when he lived there, but I´m not sure. After that, we went bz a second Beethoven home, and then travelled back to the center of Vienna to a third Beethoven home. He actually had over 30 addresses while living in Vienna. These crazy musicians aren´t very stable. Mozart had over 30 addresses here also!

After that, we walked to the collection of Musical instruments owned by Vienna´s government. It is a great museume. We spent quite a while looking at a plethora of pianos, violins, cornets, and all sorts of instruments. They had a good example of the evolution of hte piano, including harpsichords, clavicords, and various types of pianos. They had piano´s and violins played or owned by Beethoven, Mozart, Strauss, Schubert, and others that I cannot remember. We don´t know all of what we saw, since all of the signs are in German. At least they have signs, though. It is a step up from Italz!

After the music, we went to St. Stephens again, which Rose will tell you about. Then we went to Haydn´s home.

After Haydn, we decided to eat for the first time todaz. It was about 5:00 and we were starving. We had breakfast at the hostel, and a pastry at 11, but no food. For dinner, we went all out. Rose had a turkey sandwich from a fast food place, and I had a hamburger from McDonalds. Pathetic, yes, but we are running out of money. Things are ridiculously expensive here. haha

We leave for Salzburg in the morning! i am looking forward to the train ride. I expect it will be beautiful traveling across Austria.

Have a great day!

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